hverdagsplager.no is a website that looks into the needs of mothers and the problems their child faces. These problems can include from lice, to cold, to vitamin deficiencies to dealing with your child warts.
Our team of experts re-vamped the website, provided new colour, new layout and provided the client with a good user experience. Our objective was to create a great website to calm mothers and provide them the best solution to their child’s problems.
hverdagsplager.no is a website that looks into the needs of mothers and the problems their child faces. These problems can include from lice, to cold, to vitamin deficiencies to dealing with your child warts. The client approached us to create a unique and attractive website for them.
Being a mother is not as easy as it seems; it means to devote your life to your child’s and making sure he/ she is at perfect health every day, every minute, every second. To bring about awareness to this issue: the client wanted us to come up with new designs for this very website. We were to work on the look and feel, good catchy titles and make sure that our designs would help the brand to further get more customers and also increase awareness of the various problems mothers face with their children every day.
Our team of experts re-vamped the website, provided new colour, new layout and provided the client with a good user experience. We focused on the problem, and the solution that comes along with it. Our objective was to create a great website to calm mothers and provide them the best solution to their child’s problems.