Duphalac OTC Campaign

Duphalac, a non-absorbable sugar laxative, is a trusted solution for treating constipation, ensuring bowel movement and stool softening. Its safety makes it suitable for the entire family, including pregnant women.

Duphalac OTC Campaign

Duphalac: Unwrapped for Lasting Comfort

The project aims to launch an over-the-counter (OTC) campaign for Duphalac in the Portugal market, positioning it as the premier choice for constipation relief. The focus is on creating immediate consumer association, establishing Duphalac as synonymous with gentle and effective relief for constipation.

Duphalac OTC Campaign

Duphalac is a non-absorbable sugar laxative used to treat constipation by increasing bowel movements and softening stool. It is safe for the whole family, including pregnant women.

The project's objective is to develop an over-the-counter (OTC) campaign for Duphalac tailored for the Portugal market. The primary focus is to position Duphalac as the top-of-mind brand for constipation relief, ensuring consumers immediately associate it with effective and gentle relief from constipation and improving quality of life. 

The created visual identity and POS materials revolve revolve around emphasising the relief and positive impact Duphalac offers. Through personifying an unused, sad-faced toilet paper roll, we creatively depict the emotional and health effects of constipation and Duphalac's role in providing relief. The tagline, "Sad faces? Not anymore," reinforces the idea of a constipation-free life with Duphalac.

The visual identity for the OTC campaign for Duphalac creates a strong brand recall. The campaign's visual elements generate an instant association with constipation, showcasing how Duphalac is a go-to brand for constipation and how it improves individuals' quality of life by providing safe and effective relief from constipation discomfort.

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